The trees are the breath of life
They stand tall and free and sway with the wind
Their branches sing a chorus, along with the wind that frees your heart and others
Trees are beauty; they are naked and perfect as they are
You are a tree and you sway with the wind and you sing with a chorus
Your chimes are one with the wind that floats with everything
Nothing can stop you from singing with the wind
It is effortless, it is far in the sky for anything to tamper it
The sky and the wind, and the moon are one
And as one your chorus is found on others’ ears and they will listen
You are the chorus that plays in the wind and chimes through the cell of everyone’s ears
Chiming through each cell that can never be felt like no other
It vibrates so much so that the soul can hear and awaken in all your brothers
You know the songs, the words, and the chorus for I give them to you
I give them to you for you to sing in the wind and with it
So that it can be one with the sky and the moon and the stars, and the heavens
And make it so that it can never be doubted to the ears who hear it
Tonight is one with Me
Tonight is one with all
Tonight is the night you find love and be love forever
Walk in the forest and you remember Me
Therefore remember the trees and you remember yourself
The trees sing with you and you sing with the wind
And therefore the sky and the moon and the stars shall cast your song to the heavens
And it shall be heard by all ears
And they shall too remember Me by remembering the trees
You can do no wrong
You are my child, my tree
You stand tall with the wind and you can never be broken
Never be altered and never be tainted
Because you are one with the wind and the sky and the moon and the heavens
Do not forget the trees, for the trees are you
You are to remember the trees for you remember who I am
And you remember who you are who cannot be fallen
Because you are a tree of life, and life is in you as you are in Me
As you extend your branches to the world, sing with the wind
And become one with the sky and the moon and the heavens
Together with My creations you are God
Writer and globe wanderer, who's interests not only take her to distant corners of the world, but also to undiscovered regions of her inner Self. Marina is a student and facilitator of A Course in Miracles (ACIM). She practices forgiveness and gratitude to transform her relationship with herself and others.
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